Book Distribution

Once a book is uploaded, it becomes available on the selected channels specified during the completion of the article tab, within the indicated timeframes that you can check here.
You have the option to choose from three distinct sales channels:

  • Amazon distribution: Including all national and international Amazon stores;
  • National distribution: covering all Italian stores, bookshops and wholesalers associated with Informazioni Editoriali;
  • StreetLib channel: including the StreetLib store designed for readers and the Totem store tailored for independent bookstores.
You can opt for all available channels or choose specific ones based on your requirements, depending on whether you are a publisher or an author.

If you are an author

As an author, you can publish your book using the ISBN code included in the activation fee of €49.00 or opt to use your personally purchased ISBN code, provided it has never been used for other publications (neither ebooks nor audiobooks). We recommend utilizing the StreetLib ISBN code to access the national distribution channel since it's not possible to distribute your book on this channel using your own ISBN. For more information about ISBN codes, refer to this article.
Please note: Publishing your paper book with a StreetLib ISBN code gives you the option to deselect Amazon distribution and StreetLib channels, allowing you not to distribute to these channels. However, it's important to note that you cannot deselect national distribution, which is turned on by default for each publication.

If you are a publisher

If you are a publisher seeking to activate paper book distribution on StreetLib, please contact us at to explain your needs. We will provide tailored advice based on your specific case.
If you already have a national distributor for your printed catalog, you have the flexibility to select StreetLib channels and/or Amazon distribution while excluding national distribution.
If you DON'T have a distributor for your paper catalog, selecting national distribution is an option. StreetLib will manage the distribution of the paper catalog in Print On Demand through stores, bookstores and wholesalers linked to Informazioni Editoriali.
As a publisher, you may also consider joining the MetAlice service to facilitate the management of your metadata on the stores. We highly recommend subscribing to this service due to the significance of having a comprehensive item description on the stores, complete with metadata, cover, and synopsis.
Please note: The activation cost for the paper distribution service is €49.00 (VAT included) and is payable only upon uploading the first item. Subsequent uploads will be free, regardless of the number of publications in your catalog. Publishers cannot distribute the catalog with the codes assigned by StreetLib.

Channels and sales fees

For a comprehensive understanding of service costs and earnings, we suggest referring to this article for more information.

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