How to get the ePub format

EPub is the recommended format for digital publications as it is accepted by all stores connected to our distribution. It is also compatible with most e-readers.

How can you get it?

StreetLib Write

With the Write App, which you can find on your dashboard, you can create valid ePubs for publishing (also for the Kindle app), so you won't have to worry about doing any further verification. StreetLib Write is a subscription app that you can access online with any internet browser and that doesn't require any technical skill. Please check our user guide

StreetLib Ready

With Ready, our publishing services for e-commerce, our experts will prepare your work in ePub format (ePub reflowable, ePub FXL, or ePub enhanced). Converting your text to ePub format takes about 10 business days with this service. You can delve into our conversion services here.

Create your ePub independently

You can create your ePub using software like InDesign, Calibre or Sigil - to use the latter, you need confidence managing html and CSS codes.

Warning: We do not recommend creating your ePub using the tool provided by Google Docs, because it creates an ePub that is not valid for sale, and which can't be used for publication. In general, we do not recommend any of the automatic conversions available with editing software that is not designed for publication purposes. 

Fonts used within ePubs files, as they are easily extractable, must be license-free. In the case of licensed fonts, we suggest you check what the license requires for the use of digital files.

If you proceed with InDesign or Calibre, you will need to make sure that the final ePub file is VALID from a structural point of view, as the formatting may change.

How can you validate an ePub?

StreetLib only distributes ePubs that pass the EPubCheck validation, according to the IDPF standard. Validation must be done with the software EPubCheck, available at GitHub:

How can you validate an EPUB for Amazon?

For ePub reflowable, you will need to upload only the ePub format to Hub. Then Amazon will automatically generate the mobi file starting from the ePub that you uploaded to Hub and that we can send to the store. To make sure that Amazon can convert your ePub to mobi format, we suggest opening the ePub file with Kindle Previewer. Kindle Previewer will provide you with an overview of the book and will allow you to quickly verify the general layout. If the ePub file is not suitable for conversion for publication on Kindle, the application will show you an error message and will provide a detailed report of the issues that need to be fixed.

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