How to Read eBooks

When you purchase an ebook, the file will be either immediately readable with any reading app or it will be protected.

How to Read eBooks that are not protected

If an eBook is not protected, it can be read on any device (smartphone, PC, tablet), with any reading-enabled app, or directly with an eReader. In that case, you will only need to download the file in ePub or PDF format.

Here are some of the best reading apps for non-protected eBooks:

How to read eBooks with Social DRM (watermark)

Like those without protection, this type of ebook can be read without limitations, on any device. 

The watermark, also called soft DRM, is a form of non-invasive protection.

This is how it works: the name and/or email of the owner of the book (or other information) will be inserted in the book so that if the copy is dispersed online, it can be traced back to those who made it available online for free. The watermark is visible on the last page of the ebook but is also inserted and hidden on every page.

If protected with a watermark, the eBook can be read on all e-readers, tablets, smartphones, and computers and does not need specific apps to be opened, exactly as if it wasn't protected (see reading apps recommended in the previous paragraph).

How to read DRM Protected eBooks

Adobe DRM is a copy protection that publishers can decide to apply to their eBooks. 

If an eBook is DRM protected when you download it you first get a URLLink.acsm file, which is your "personal key" to access the eBook in the format you ordered it in.

Adobe DRM-protected ebooks allow you to read purchased eBooks on up to 6 authorized devices by the same Adobe ID.

Adobe DRM-protected eBooks do not allow you to print, copy, or edit their content. They are also not compatible with Kindle devices or applications.

To successfully open an eBook on pc with Adobe DRM, follow these exact steps (you will find instructions at the bottom to read on other devices):

  • if you don't have an Adobe ID, you can create it onthis page

Adobe ID is a personal account on Adobe Digital Editions that allows you to read books with DRM on different devices. An Adobe ID username is your email address, while the password needs to be set. We recommend you make a note of your credentials.

Please note: it is very important to create an Adobe ID before opening the book for the first time. If the book is opened on an unauthorized device with no Adobe ID, it cannot be read on any other device;

If you are not asked to do it at the first launch, you can authorize the computer with the following steps: open the program, click on "Help" at the top, and click on "Authorize computer". Now you can authorize your computer;

  • drag the downloaded file URLLink.acsm into the Adobe Digital Editions window, and it will download and open the complete book in the format you ordered.

The file will be saved in the folder Documents > My Digital Digital Editions (Documents > Digital Editions if you use Mac).

  • For iPad reading, install the applicationBluefire Reader and authorize it with your Adobe ID.
  • To read on Android devices, you can use the free applicationBookari or theAdobe Digital Editions App. As previously mentioned, it is crucial to authorize the application with your Adobe ID as soon as it is installed, and before opening the eBook.

If you forget your Adobe ID password, you can recover it at by clicking "Sign in" on the top right, then on the forgotten password button.

How to read FXL ebooks (Fixed Layout)

If you have purchased a fixed layout eBook, such as a photo book, cookbook, or comic book, you may experience display issues if the application or e-Reader you normally use does not fully support this format.

Here is a list of the best eBook reading apps for fixed layout formats:

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