Buying a book

To buy your next book, start by searching for what interests you most, entering the title or author's name in the space provided or browsing the categories by genre.
You can also decide to be inspired by the best-selling titles or featured books.

If you opt for a specific search, the system will show you all the books related to the entered keyword. In case the results are too many, you can also refine your search by sorting the titles by relevance, price, title and so on.

Once you have identified the book of your interest, select it by clicking on the cover image or title, then select the desired format and click on "Add to cart".

Once a product has been added to the cart, a summary pop-up will ask you if you wish to continue shopping or proceed directly to the cart.

If you opt to "continue shopping", the system will automatically take you to the page you just left (you can always reach the cart by clicking the appropriate icon at the top right); if you opt for the cart instead, the system will take you to the order summary and finalization page.

It is in this section that you can change the format of your eBook, add or reduce the number of copies (in the case of eBooks, the maximum limit is one), empty the cart and enter a promotional code.
Once you are satisfied that everything you see is exactly what you want, you can click on "Checkout".

The purchase of each product provides two possibilities:

  • continue as a guest (without immediately creating the account but postponing this operation to a possible later time)
  • proceed as a registered user

At this stage you will need to remember to flag the privacy policy, which is mandatory.
Once again, you will be able to view your order summary, change your cart and / or add gift vouchers or coupon codes.

If you have a StreetLib account, we recommend that you access the Store using your account: it will allow you to receive invoices for your orders and you can save your data for future purchases.
You simply have to enter the email and password of your StreetLib account and click on "Sign in".

You can then fill in your billing profile and enter useful comments on the order, before clicking on "continue":

At this point you just have to choose the payment method:

Remember to accept the terms and conditions of purchase before clicking on "place order". You will receive an order confirmation email, containing the link to download the purchased ebook.

If you want, it is on this page that you can print the order summary or continue shopping.

If a book is also available in print you will find the "Buy Print" button.


The procedure is almost identical: you can proceed as a guest or create an account, fill in the shipping / handling data and pay (remember to accept the privacy policy!).

You will immediately receive an order confirmation email.
Delivery of the book (printed according to the Print system) takes 7-10 working days. You will find more information about it in our dedicated article.

Thanks for choosing StreetLib Store!

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