Amazon royalties

You may have already read how much you will earn by distributing your books worldwide with StreetLib. But, when it comes to royalties, Amazon requires its own special FAQ.

Here are your royalties for sales on the Amazon Kindle Store depending on who you are between indie publisher (self-publisher) and publishing house.

Conditions for indie publishers 

Independent publishers are divided into:

  • Authors, understood as natural persons, not companies that publish eBooks/books.
  • Non-professional publishers, i.e. companies whose final products could be identified as not sufficiently professional (content or formatting quality).
  • Self-Publishing services that use our platform to distribute their content.

How will the earnings on sales of these books be calculated?

We will apply two different sales models, based on the characteristics of the book.

  • Standard Model : provides a profit for you equal to 35% of the cover price minus the SL commission.
  • Enhanced Model : provides a profit for you equal to 70% of the cover price* net of shipping costs which are calculated in this way. The SL commission must be deducted from your earnings calculated in this way .


   * The conditions of the Enhanced model are different and based on the country of residence of the end customer:

  • 60% in Europe (excluding Andorra, Austria, Germany, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Spain and Switzerland), United States, Canada, Australia and New Zealand
  • 50% in Andorra, Austria, Germany, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Spain and Switzerland
  • 25%* without subtracting the cost of delivery* to any other location, for example in LatAm.

Books are included in the Standard or Enhanced model based on the cover price:

  • Price less than €2.99 → Standard
  • Price between €2.99 and €9.99 → Enhanced
  • Price over €9.99 → Standard
  • Public Domain Books → Standard

Price conditions

The prices of ebooks published on Amazon must be aligned with these conditions:  


Similar conditions will apply to other currencies. For JPY, BRL, INR and MXN currencies, only the Standard model will be applicable.

Books published by independent publishers cannot have a zero price (free titles), which means that books uploaded to StreetLib with a price lower than €0.99 will still have a price of €0.99 on Amazon: you will be able to check the prices applied on the various libraries directly in the article card in the HUB.

To find out your earnings on the sales of your books on stores other than Amazon, read this article.

For publishing houses

If you are a publisher, your profit is calculated based on the Optimal Price.

According to this model, it is Amazon (based on what its algorithms suggest) that defines and sets the best price on a given day for each title in your catalog. 

The Optimal Price requires that your profit is calculated on the "optimal price" established by Amazon based on the price indicated by you and the store trends, net of bookstore commission and distribution commission and regardless of the country in which the product is located. book buyer. 

NB. Exceptions to the application of Optimal Price are India, Australia and the Netherlands (currently not reached by Kindle), where the Wholesale model will be applied. To these are obviously added the countries where a fixed price must be applied by law, such as Germany for example. 

To find out your earnings on the sales of your books on stores other than Amazon, read this article.

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