Book detail

The book detail page is where you can edit your book’s metadata, cover, theme, settings and more. You can access it via the the “book detail” button in “My Books” or via the link in the top right-hand corner of the book text editor.


  1. "MAIN": this is the book’s metadata. In "Metadata", you should add the title, author, year of publication, ISBN (leave blank if you do not have an unused ISBN - see more here), publisher (you can leave blank if self-published) and language.
  2. "MORE INFORMATION" is where you can add a synopsis.
  3. SETTINGS: this is where you can change how sub-chapters/poems are inserted (if applicable), the position of credits and the position and title of the table of contents.
  4. COVER: this is where you add the outer cover of your eBook. This image will be the one used to sell your book on bookstores. It must be in .jpg or .png format and be approximately 1875 x 2500 px to ensure it complies with the guidelines of stores such as Amazon and Apple. StreetLib Write will use this outer cover to automatically generate an internal cover with the correct dimensions (600 x 800 px).
  5. THEME: click on “Change theme” to choose from our wide range of graphic themes for your book. Click on each theme to find out more about the style and for which type of book it recommended. Here's how to customize the graphic themes.


  • Export book: download a .backtypo file, which can be opened and modified (with proper care and attention) using programs such as Sublime, Texedit or Notepad. The .backtypo file is intended as a backup copy to be kept if you need to recover your book in the future. The .backtypo file can be reimported into StreetLib Write.
  • Share book: share your book with another registered user of StreetLib Write and work on it together from your individual accounts. All changes made will be synchronized across both accounts.
  • Fix note numbers: If you have moved or deleted footnotes in the StreetLib Write editor, use this button to correct the numbering and ensure they are in a logical order. This is particularly useful when your book has lots of notes as moving or deleting any may mess up their order.

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