File format and page settings

Important: Fixed layout books can only be created with Write's paid plans.
Did you know that with the Pro plan you have included a year of Write Unlimited? Find out more here.

After creating or importing the content and editing on the SL Write editor, your eBook is ready.
The first step to get your Fixed Layout eBook is to click on "Download" on the top bar and to choose the format, either ePub or KF8.


ePub is the standard eBook format, available in all stores except Amazon. ePub Fixed Layout books can be read on tablets and computers, not on eReaders as the technology on eReaders doesn't support this kind of files for now (apart from very few exceptions).

KF8 is the Amazon equivalent and Kindle's format sold on Amazon and supported on computers, tablets through the Kindle app and on the Kindle Fire tablet.

[For the KF8, please refer to the indications on this page]

Once you chose the format, you'll be able to set page characteristics:

  • FORMAT: You can choose to create the file with pages sized for a specific device or with pages in the original page format.



  • ORIENTATION: You can choose to force the orientation of your book (portrait or landscape) or to have it adapt to the device used or even to adapt according to the first page's dimension.

  • PAGE SPREAD: You can choose to display the book on readers' devices as single pages, double pages or have it Automatically set depending on the reading app settings (Auto).

(If you chose the ePub format, you can finally decide if you want to make available the "Interactive panels", meaning allowing zooming on the text thanks to finger taps or mouse clicks, a feature only available on a few reading apps such as iBooks)

Please note: If you want your ePub FXL to be accepted by Kobo, you must set: Orientation as 'Device based' and Page spread to 'Auto'.

Finally, click on "Download", to get the file on your computer.

You can then, if you wish to, proceed with publication via StreetLib Publish!

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