Edit a Fixed Layout book

The editor (or canvas)

The editor s the interface you see just after creating (or importing) a new book and on which you can work to edit the book and prepare it to be a beautiful eBook.
The editor has a window on the left on which you can new pages (clicking on add), see them listed one below the other and reorganize them by simple drag-and-drops (left click of the mouse).
On the right you'll see a bigger window where the actual content editing happens. On the top you can add/edit a title for your page (if any) and below you can show your pages in JPG or PDF. Clicking on it, you'll see appear a toolbar to edit your page:

The navigation bar

As for any kind of book you're working on in StreetLib Write, the upper navigation bar will allow you to:- “Preview”: See what your eBook will look like without needing to download it;
- “Download”: Set the format options and download your eBook in ePub3FXL or KF8 (for Amazon);
- “Publish”: Go directly to our Publish to.The right side buttons of the bar will allow you to:
- Navigate from the content edition (the editor described above) to book details editions;
- Go to the book details to edit the book's metadata: title, author's name, synopsis, category, etc.) as well as upload the cover file.- Go to the list page of all the books you are working on with StreetLib Write (home page of your account);
- And to enter and edit your StreetLib Write profile.


The toolbar activates when you create your first page

The toolbars allows you to work on different book levels. It allows you to define settings for the entire book. The list icon allows you to access the book map.
The buttons on the left are about editing the page as it'll appear on the eBook. From left to right, you'll find:

  • The Icon to modify the page propertiesImage_032.png
  • The arrows to cancel or redo an action;
  • The "save" icon;
  • The major "+" icon to add a text box for the case of a children's book or a comic book.

The buttons on the right

These allow you to set the way your content editor appears for you on the StreetLib Write's interface, specifically:

  • Full screen;
  • Zoom out;
  • Fit to page;
  • Zoom in.

The tools appearing once you clicked on "+"

When you want to add a text frame, you'll click on "+" and be able to click anywhere on the page to add a frame. A new set of tools will appear on the toolbar to define all the text settings

You can read details about property settings of each level of the book (book, page, text frame) on following articles of this help center section.

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