Download your purchased eBook or audiobook
On our confirmation email, you will find the button "Verifica lo stato dell'ordine". Click it to download your purchase:
You will be redirected to the StreetLib Store and asked to access:
Once logged in, you will find yourself on the homepage and you can click on your name at the top right to go to the following screen.
The website, after clicking on your name / surname, will automatically bring you back to the orders page, where you will find all your purchases:
Downloading your product will be super easy! You just need to click on the order number, then on "Download":
How to proceed if you have lost your order confirmation email
Don't worry: if you have deleted the e-mail, you can still access the list of your orders at any time directly from StreetLib Store, by clicking on the menu item "I tuoi ordini", after logging in.
The procedure will remain identical to that described above: after logging in, the website will automatically return you to the orders page, where you will find all your purchases and where you can download your book as described above.
What to do if you have forgotten your account password
Don't worry: if you have forgotten your account password, you can ask for it to be reset during login; just click on "Reset password":
The system will ask you to confirm the e-mail address on which to send a security code to be re-entered, together with the new password you choose:
Once the new password has been created, you will be able to access the list of your orders from StreetLib Store again, by clicking on the menu item "I tuoi ordini", after logging in. There you will find all your purchases and you can download your book as described above.